Thursday, March 27, 2008

Augmented Virtual Reality

Using Artag to map 3d objects on top of virtual objects, Augmented Virtual Reality?
Not a very good use of technology, but interesting...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Dept of Education Update

Fun times.
There are three options;
1 - We do what we are doing, but need so much certification it's not going to be worth it, on any level
2 - We get a physical switch
3 - We work through the system. Right off the bat, this might be an issue at Debney, as their net provider is Myinternet, who are apparently not very flexible. Netspace, the largest provider, will likely allow us to access SL (if we target only netspace schools) and there is another one called Brightsparks.

I am providing Neil with a packet capture so he can see what the program needs to be able to do in addition to accessing ports, and can check if the department is blocking it in any way.
He has recommended I write to Netspace, Myinternet and Brightsparks asking them if they allow access based on the SL port information ang getting responses in writing.

UPDATE - Packet capture done and sent, and I have emailed Myinternet, I need to check Netspace and Brightsparks before emailing.
To go

A big update, Debney, Tech, Skoolaborate

Debney Park Progress

- Friday Lunchtimes

We have only done a couple of lunch sessions so far,(with a Curriculum Day, Good Friday and now holidays).
The first wasn't well attended, as not many kids had been alerted.
The following week was packed, 10 kids all keen to have a look and probably just to do something. We could only have 4 online at once with the laptops, and the wireless was very slow, so some got frustrated and lost interest. For the next session we will have some offline tools to work with.
One student in particular was modifying cars and motorbikes, he has an excellent understanding of OOP.

- Tech Issues

We went in early to test the graphics cards(worked well) and wireless. It took a while to install on just the one PC, the whole lab will take at least a few hours.
The ADSL wasn't on, and we are praying they got ADSL2 not just ADSL one. It's organised through three companies, and Justin spent over an hour on the phone just trying to talk to someone about it.

- Dept of Education

I got a phone call today from Neil from the Dept of Education in response to asking to get the ports opened. He said it was not going to happen, and when I asked about installing our own line he was worried it was a breach of department protocol, despite me explaining how we aren't connecting to their network.
He is calling Debney to make sure they have signed the necessary forms, and we might have to get a switch installed which will change it from one network to the other.
This might save the project money as well as allowing all the computers to be hardwired to the connection, so perhaps it's for the best.


- Inventory Issues

I have been gathering objects for the Skoolaborate group in my avatar Raja Ra so we can bring him to the Skoolaborate grid with lots of goodies.
Included in this will be a rental system for the mall and an amusement park, my latest wiki entry is copied below;

Raja Ra is the next SL avatar to be moved over to the Skoolaborate grid with objects in his inventory.
Feel free to list any objects would would like to bring here so we can create a comprehensive library of useful objects.
Please email dale (at) oztron (dot) come if you have any queries.
The aim is to have Raja Ra stocked up before the next meeting so we can all chat about it then.

Hippotech Rental System for the Mall and Apartments.
Web module
Door control module
Calendar - cogboard(works with google)
Guided tour - few choices
Bumper cars/boats/rides
ShareIt photo board - (lets up to 15 pics be shared and changed by students )
Bike transport
Stats collector

Tutorials that can be displayed
shoes, sirts, jeans, jewellery, lots of items that can be used to set up a variety of malls that will stimulate some sort of development
also include green staff like plants
textures for a texture forest
DCS Combat System
Decent Power Point Presenter
Decent .mov presenter - permissions

1on1 English
Following is a list of Items found on SLEX that I would like to acquire:
Some of them will be transferable among the students, however some are not, (these items will be used by me for building).
**I have added the links and some small descriptions after these items - Dale

"Zero Prim RezzBox Holodeck - Reseller Kit" (Copy/Transfer Permissions) - I am not sure if this one is so suitable, it's more of a room rezzer than the traditional holodeck
Alternate Holodeck -
"SLoft, Professional Sculpti Development System" (can't transfer)
"Rez-Faux (huge build packager/rezzer)" (can't transfer)
"Builders Bundle City Textures" (Full Permissions) -
"14 Blank Prim Flexi Skirts for your clothing creations" (Full Permissions) -
"StairsPack#2 by Cel Edman" (Full Permissions) -
"New 1000 Full Permission Scripts" (Full Permissions) -
"Dress Makers Kit v1.6 w/virtual closet" (Full Permissions) -
"Animation builder,Puppeteer" *one was sent over with Surfand Sands, and is displayed in the games area, but I think there are permission problems. I have emailed the builder to see if he can provide several copies of the free version, waiting for a reply.
Linked Prim Animator Lite -
Tree Wizard -
Water Wizard -

From Kathy
Kathy MLC Amicus Box for Skoolaborate

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Pre-Skoolaborate meeting information

I just spoke to Westley(Skoolaborate) about a few issues, here are some notes;

Group permissions - selling the land to a group, assigning roles

Stocking up an avatar(Raja Ra) with the following items....(links added and a few more items found since)
calendar - cogboard(works with google) -
marketplace - hippotech
guided tour - few choices
film festival - speak to chris
bumper cars/boats -
paintball guns -
ShareIt photo board - (lets up to 15 pics be shared and changed by students )
bike transport -
stats collector

We will discuss them further in the meeting today.

Monday, March 3, 2008


A quick update as I haven't posted for a week or so;

- Myself and Grace returned to Debney last Friday for the first lunch session, quite poorly attended but we got some posters up and about and will be right to go this Friday. I have shown Grace the field reports and it was good just to have a run through of setting everything up.
This Friday I will be in early to show Magdi through Second Life and the lessons we will be doing.
- Skoolaborate meeting this Thursday at 1.20pm
- I met Greg and Adam from Melbourne Uni and RMIT and had a good chat, I hope to get a contact for a childrens hospital program they know of shortly.
- Contacting YJC once staff memeber returns from leave tomorrow.
- Going into the Flemington Community Centre to see what facilities they have(perhaps we can do after school on Fridays somewhere there as Debney is not available), and to chat to them about the film festival, checking if there are any other events we might be able to join up with.

- Just spoke to Stefan regarding job descriptions(google docs), as well as getting permissions and ethics sorted at the school, and equipment for the Debney Park class.
Basically what we will need is;
Netgear USB WPN311 $43 X 15(rangemax maybe more?)
256MB 8400GS Leadtek $49 X 15
Netgear WNR834B Rangemax $152 X 1
All this is from MSY.
The graphics cards are much cheaper than I thought, hopefully they are a decent size, we can check Thursday. One other concern is having 15 computers running through one router, perhaps a cheaper one will suffice, but I need to check up on it.