Monday, March 3, 2008


A quick update as I haven't posted for a week or so;

- Myself and Grace returned to Debney last Friday for the first lunch session, quite poorly attended but we got some posters up and about and will be right to go this Friday. I have shown Grace the field reports and it was good just to have a run through of setting everything up.
This Friday I will be in early to show Magdi through Second Life and the lessons we will be doing.
- Skoolaborate meeting this Thursday at 1.20pm
- I met Greg and Adam from Melbourne Uni and RMIT and had a good chat, I hope to get a contact for a childrens hospital program they know of shortly.
- Contacting YJC once staff memeber returns from leave tomorrow.
- Going into the Flemington Community Centre to see what facilities they have(perhaps we can do after school on Fridays somewhere there as Debney is not available), and to chat to them about the film festival, checking if there are any other events we might be able to join up with.

- Just spoke to Stefan regarding job descriptions(google docs), as well as getting permissions and ethics sorted at the school, and equipment for the Debney Park class.
Basically what we will need is;
Netgear USB WPN311 $43 X 15(rangemax maybe more?)
256MB 8400GS Leadtek $49 X 15
Netgear WNR834B Rangemax $152 X 1
All this is from MSY.
The graphics cards are much cheaper than I thought, hopefully they are a decent size, we can check Thursday. One other concern is having 15 computers running through one router, perhaps a cheaper one will suffice, but I need to check up on it.

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